Shut by Niels Bourgonje
Shut by Niels Bourgonje
XiaoCao by Caiping Huang
An Apple and Two Cherries by Mina Petrović
Songs of The Living by Cécile Allegra
The Body is so Resilient by Moana Vonstadl
Luftraum by Dirk Koy
Out of sight by Dirk Koy
Private by Laurent Ardoint
Replacement by Jacek Redźko
Pink Fireworks by Lee Zhongqin
Dive Into The Blue by Ge Gao
Living Wild – Alaska by Dorene Lorenz
Raphaël Deslandes for The extravagant illnesses
Bastiaan Tichler for Shut
Théo Reynal for The Black Hen
Weiste De Zwart for Shut
Klevr Sounddesign for Shut
Mathias Duplessy for Songs of The Living
About people and about war by Andrej Krasavin
Paul Gomérieux for Fag
Xuanyu Chen for The boy and her
Vernon Wells for Frost
Alice Thillard for The extravagant illnesses