Dog Factory by Brody Salmon
Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo by Edward Lai
Heat Death by Wang Miaoyan
Mti by Mauricio Corco
Signals by Bryan Wynn Sutton
What do you see? by Tania Cattebeke
Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo by Edward Lai
Signals by Bryan Wynn Sutton
What do you see? by Tania Cattebeke
12 Words by Juan Antonio Anguita
Killing Time by Gregoire Manhes
Salinger’s Two Dark Muses by Michael Lasoff
Fladland: Two as One by Tanner Gordon
From Durban to Tomorrow by Dylan Mohan Gray
Una tempesta di sabbia by Andrea Gadaleta Caldarola
Cap20100, a common goal by Paolo Marelli
My lover the killer by Marc Hurtado
Scorched Land by Antonio Ferrer
Girl and Robot by Joe Loftus
Stereotype by Nahyun and Dahyun Beak
The Gate by Kino Jin
Aquatoria by Anatoliy Gankevich
Protection at all cost by Christopher Gribbin
Tricot by Jacopo Greco d’Alceo
Child’s Play by Mathieu Dubourg
Flux by DFTCNT
Rollingstone by Claudia Palermiti
Dirty Sean by Nicolas Vasseur
Gangsta Island by Ken Lewis
Your Eyes by Julia Rufino and Angélica Di Paula
Killing Time by Gregoire Manhes
Signals by Bryan Wynn Sutton
Stereotype by Nahyun and Dahyun Beak
Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo by Edward Lai
Exile by Gandongying
The Death of An Artist by Songhuan Li
Can I Jog Your Memory by John Pope
The Great Conjunction by Karolina Smolova
The Open Boat by Harlan D. Whatley
In the Shadows of November by Bill Albert
The Wolf-Pointe by Julianna Pitt
Voyager by Kevin J. Howard
Bryan Wynn Sutton for Signals
Edward Lai for Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo
Mauricio Corco for Mti
Bryan Wynn Sutton for Signals
Lavi Hu and Edward Lai for Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo
Wang Miaoyan for Heat Death
Jaco Wong for Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo
Javier Arroyo for What do you see?
John Roche for Signals
Anatoliy Gankevich for Aquatoria
Christopher Gribbin for Protection at all cost
Zoë S. Taylor for Signals
Arthur Ferraz for Stereotype
James Findlater for Girl and Robot
The Sound Department of Signals
Aojie Age and Jike Laoying for Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo
Jacopo Greco d’Alceo for Tricot
Vladimir Khlopovsky for Aquatoria
Tania Simbrón for What do you see?
The Costume Department of Flux
Xiao Fang for Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo
Alai Yangmei for Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo
Sara Delgado for What do you see?
Zhu Yuan for Heat Death
Connor and Joshua Councell for Dog Factory
Jonathan Lindsey for Signals
Shilo Abelard for Mti
Ajé Brown for Signals
Susan R. Taylor for Signals
The Mum in Dog Factory
Alai Yanglong for Em Chu Em Nie Zi Bo
Álex Ramos for 12 Words
Stanley Junior Petit for Mti