« Coming Together» by Bella Rinsky

« Coming Together» by Bella Rinsky

In 2020, as many as 1 in 7 minors experienced neglect or abuse. About 5 children die every day from domestic violence. Horrible statistics, which however risk getting lost in the sea of figures and data to which we are accustomed from the media, to the vastness of faceless tragedies that happen every day.

Or, we think of minor victims of domestic violence as angels to be saved, children that anyone would like to adopt to snatch them from the hands of their ogre parents.
But what happens when those children aren’t rescued in time, and grow up with their tormentors?

Director Bella Rinsky gives a voice and a face to two girls who find themselves forced to save themselves, with «Coming Together». A few minutes of editing captures the darkness and hopelessness of the sisters’ situation of abuse perpetuated by their father.

What makes “Coming Together” so impactful is its honesty and authenticity, which sometimes verges on rawness, artfully juxtaposed with a poignant soundtrack.. The film doesn’t shy away from the harsh realities of abuse and neglect but offers a glimmer of hope for those who may be experiencing a similar situation. Only after hitting rock bottom can you find the strength to go back up.

This touching and powerful praise of the human spirit’s resilience and the importance of sisterhood to emerge from violence combines a visually powerful narrative with a message of action: even for those who do not feel directly involved, to pay attention to all those details behind which the signs of a silent epidemic with innocent victims may be hidden.