«Pandemic: Chaos is Bleeding» by Cynthia Fridsma

«Pandemic: Chaos is Bleeding» by Cynthia Fridsma

“Pandemic: Chaos is Bleeding” by Cynthia Fridsma, is the perfect example of the fact that sometimes a lack of resources, and the challenges derived from it, can be the spark from which an unexpected surprise deflates.

Director Cynthia Fridsma did not stop at the evidence that she could not afford to make a live-action film from one of her novels, and decided to proceed with professional 3D animation software.
Indeed, its script has taken on a life of its own as an experimental film, both in plot and technique, and the result is really unique.

We are in Boston in the year 2021, during the Covid-19 pandemic.
Former ATU agent Sybil Crewes receives a threatening phone call from a stranger who is holding her lover Harry Brown captive.
The kidnapper wants her to run some errands for him so that Harry can be freed. Her first errand involves the recovery of a briefcase from a mansion …

Rich in symbolism, with some focus on the contradictions of contemporary society, and the perception that digital tools give us of it, Pandemic: Chaos is Bleeding blends elements of the action thriller with the harsh reality of the pandemic, resulting in a successful paradox somewhere between dystopia and realism.