«From Here to There!» by George Atkinson, Alan Ciechalski

«From Here to There!» by George Atkinson, Alan Ciechalski

Love and science are the irresistible chemistry that makes up George Atkinson and Alan Ciechalski’s explosive new comedy, “From Here to There.”

Casper is a brilliant inventor but inexperienced in the romance department. He shares his latest creation, a teleportation instrument, with Ellen, hoping to spark an interest in her. The proposed trip to space will set off a bittersweet adventure, and the protagonist will come to terms with the science of feelings, which accounts for rules all its own, and is seemingly incomprehensible.

The success of this out-of-the-box experiment relies on excellent writing, which never loses the viewer’s attention as it introduces realistic and sharp exchanges of original characters, particularly far removed from genre stereotypes. From the protagonist, an irresistible goofy genius, to the secondary characters accompanying him on a journey to discover his own feelings.

The short film is also strong on technical packaging that is meticulous in every detail and enhanced by cinematography that highlights the locations and playful use of color.

The suspension of the belief that the author asks us to enter the world of this romantic inventor is richly repaid by an entertaining and humane story, thanks in part to an excellent cast that gives a performance on par with more renowned projects,

A eulogy to strangeness that mixes the cards of the romantic, comedy, and sci-fi genres and entertains and excites.