«Allusion» by Aram Manukyan

«Allusion» by Aram Manukyan

In the form of an elegant mise en abyme, this film depicts the creation of a work of art as a kind of alchemy, a passage between different states of consciousness, and director Aram Manukyan explores with “Allusion” the limits and possibilities of the creative process and what goes on in the mind of an artist.
A highly symbolic work, at once delicate and powerful, in which art is a signifying manifestation of reality, a tension of forces impacting life itself.
It is the story of an artist who finds himself in a black-and-white world after the appearance of a mysterious prism; as he attempts to translate the world around him into a painting.
A mystery in which the inner and outer lives are intertwined, which seems to have to be accepted without being able to understand it fully in order for the work of art to be accomplished, but which carries with it a kind of anguish, frustration, and a search for liberation.

In this film, only seemingly wordless, we can hear the dialogue between light and form, gaze and gesture, perception and action, thanks to the juxtaposition of different planes that the director offers us; and emphasized by a great work of photography and use of color.
A project on the abstract taking shape as the boundaries between creator and creation blur.