“SirCooly’s Late Halloween Special” by Nolan Schmidt

“SirCooly’s Late Halloween Special” by Nolan Schmidt

A mix of different stylistic approaches make “SirCooly’s Late Halloween Special” a surprising, dynamic, funny and above all interesting film to better understand how Schmidt’s films are related to each other. In fact, the Ghoul character returns, but this time he seems to be completely harmless, even funny and complicit in the adventures of the other two protagonists. The character of SirCooly is certainly at the center of the scene but its relevance is due precisely to the continuous interactions with the other protagonists, which thus create a very complex and multifaceted micro-universe, in which the characters are immersed.

Schmidt’s style is inspired by numerous models: at times it seems to be television, at times cinematographic, at times documentary, in short, it is a free and dynamic approach, in constant change, which amuses and surprises. We appreciate the complete freedom of this author, which is very rare nowadays.