01 Set “THE RIVER WILL CARRY THEM” by Keyi Zhang
“The River Will Carry Them” is a twelve-minute film, impressive for its lyrical power. The realistic, almost documentary style does not sacrifice a refined and always discreet aesthetic beauty, which is well integrated with the narrative material, elegant and always sensitive to the emotional charge of the scenes. From the screenplay emerge the most important poetic suggestions, the symbolisms, the metaphors and a certain look, it seems, to Hellenic works.
In this intimate language, suspended between realism and magic, Keyi Zhang creates a small gem of great artistic and human value. Every aspect is managed with talent and awareness: the cinematography, the acting, the camera movements move in harmony, in a kind of choreography of images with a ritual power, for the profound fascination that it manages to evoke. Zhang is a mature, visionary author who certainly still has a lot to say. We look forward to seeing his next works.