“Covered Sun” by Elia Rosa and Paolo Borgato

“Covered Sun” by Elia Rosa and Paolo Borgato

Elia Rosa and Paolo Borgato bring a breath of fresh air to independent Italian cinema. “Covered Sun” is a fantasy film of the highest quality, among the very few examples of the genre in Italy. The courageous choice of directors was evidently successful. The story fits in the wake of the fantasy tradition, taking inspiration from the archetypes and suggestions typical of this genre but soon moves away from the clichés to acquire its precise identity, of great cinematographic relevance. Through the meticulous attention to the details of the costumes, the sets and the locations, the authors succeed in the difficult intent to make a fantastic vision real. The film is a long journey, which the spectator feels he is undertaking with the protagonists.

The attraction and charm that this adventure exercises probably derive from the splendid narrative frame built by the script and represented by the camera. There are no speculative drifts or ambiguities in this story. It is a story, in the purest sense of the term. Films like this allow us to recover the childish taste for storytelling and allow us once again to dream and get excited without any hesitation.
Surely, “Covered Sun” will remain a memorable film, capable of marking a fundamental goal for the Italian cinema of the future. It is possible to still make films like these, but above all, it is necessary that there are authors such as Elia Rosa and Paolo Borgato, capable of carrying on their vision, renewing an entire cinematographic tradition.