12 Giu “WICKED TRAILS” by Deepanshu Singh
In the independent cinema circuit it is a rare and precious thing to come across a film like “Wicked Trails”. But the film has an identity that goes far beyond classifications. Its undoubted artistic value gives the film a unique and surprising identity. Behind this fascinating story, there is clearly the intimate and imaginative vision of its author, director Deepanshu Singh. Obviously an author, but above all a new author. His gaze is an original synthesis of numerous musical, visual and cinematographic suggestions. The virtuous absorption of these aesthetic dimensions finds in Singh’s vision a new existence, more personal and original. Existence that runs through the film and captures us, makes us sink into a new reality towards which we feel attraction and distrust. “Wicked Trail”, in building an exciting narrative plot extends beyond the boundaries of functionality and becomes myth, atmosphere, sensation. Addressing the theme of parallel worlds, the film is therefore articulated in a series of places, metaphysical, extemporaneous, suspended. In this direction, the film is also a spectacular visual journey, created with refinement and sense of staging. The solid aesthetic system continues the narration, where the excellent script reaches its limit. This is the most attractive aspect of the film: its ability to transport us to a new dimension, through different expressive keys. The cinematographic elements of sound, scenography and cinematography are used as “portals” of access to the immense personal fantasy created by this visionary director.
The power of the visual implant, so transcendent and dreamlike, is counterbalanced by the human element. A profound story of reunification and paternal love binds the wonderful “frames” of which this film is made up and Singh is able to tell this relationship with sensitivity and maturity, also demonstrating a great predisposition to the story of human affairs, which joins his talent visionary. The choice to place oneself within a specific genre cinema, adopting certain archetypes and suggestions, does not disqualify the film. Rather. It places it in a cinematographic tradition that is renewed and transformed through new, talented authors such as Singh.