“Alabaster” by Dan Ramm

“Alabaster” by Dan Ramm

“Alabaster” is an intimate and at the same time universal journey, towards the highest lyrical abstraction of reality.
The film takes flight from a very important social urgency for contemporary society: mental health awareness. Starting from such a painful and concrete dimension, the film, within eight minutes and twenty seconds, begins to sublimate in a sensory experience that involves the viewer far beyond simple viewing. The film becomes a flow in which the border between the word and the image is completely erased, or rather, blurred, dissolved in the greatness of a cosmic consciousness more important than the cinematographic medium itself.

The same length of the film has a symbolic value, absolute: 8 minutes and twenty seconds “correspond directly, in real-time, to the 500-second journey of fresh sunlight escaping the surface of the sun and making its way millions of miles across the universe to us “. Will Reyes’ poetry cradles the viewer’s senses and opens the door to a feeling of immensity, going beyond the boundaries of meaning. This cinematic gem is much more than a movie.