“Rapprochement” by Hugues Bissot

“Rapprochement” by Hugues Bissot

“Rapprochement” is an extremely interesting film from many points of view. One of the most surprising aspects is the starting premise: Hugues Bissot manages to build a perfect narrative structure for short cinema. Through a powerful metaphor, the film develops reaching pure entertainment and, at the same time, considerable authorial impulses. Bissot’s direction is complex, never banal, and is articulated on a profound connection between style and meaning. This allows the splendid screenplay of the film to emerge from every point of view and become pure film material. In short, in every aspect, this film starts from a simple idea but never falls into simplification. The film expresses a profound humanity linked to the most important emotions of contemporary man.

The moment of union between the two protagonists becomes the peak of a human tension masterfully constructed throughout the film, it seems to exhaust the feelings of us spectators through the images. It is a subtle work of technique and poetry that staged by Bissot, which uses, among other things, two great actors.