03 Mar “Psychoanalysis” by Ivan Vuco
“Psychoanalysis” is a short film of great cinematic quality.
Following the path of stylistic simplicity, the director stages the story with a particular attention to acting and writing, two aspects that distinguish this film and make it excellent. The editing binds and blends the best elements of this film in a dynamic sequence of pure cinematic entertainment of great value.
The “Psychoanalysis” script is the backbone of the fantastic dynamism that runs through the whole story. The characters are outlined with wisdom in their most refined and realistic shades and the dialogues therefore, naturally follow this great capacity for psychological characterization. In a film that stages the lights and shadows of the human psyche, Ivan Vuco is very careful to present us fascinating and complex characters, which capture our attention from the first minute to the last. In this profound human contrast, structured on a dialogue between two extremely different people, the director embodies the meaning of his work. Not only two people touch and communicate, but two universes, engaged in the perennial and eternal attempt to coexist in the same world. From this peculiar diversity emerges the humor and the shrewd irony that color the film and, at the same time, this contrast also allows us to reflect on the many nuances that characterize human relationships. A complex film therefore, which manages to combine irony and reflection, depth and entertainment with great cinematographic knowledge.