17 Gen An interview with LIIL SERGE MBEUTCHA, director of “#QUIPROQUO”
Posted at 08:47h
in Interviews

Liil Serge Mbeutcha
“don’t ever let somebody tell you that you can’t do something, not even us” Will Smith (my inspiration)

– Your film is able to keep viewers glued to the screen, from start to finish and your directing, so dynamic and virtuous, is the most evident aspect of this artistic complexity. Of all the elements of the language of cinema, which is the one that most stimulates you?
What stimulates me the most in the cinema aspect is the action and the truth which is retransmitted in action, I always seek to join the act to the word, in view of the fact that I am self-taught in the cinema field, I Always go for it with the idea that comes and realize it as I see it.
– The script has a tight, engaging and incredibly dynamic rhythm, which leads us through the various and exciting phases of the protagonist’s life. The structure of this beautiful film reminds me of the style of certain New Hollywood films. What were your sources of inspiration to tell this story?
I was inspired by my own story, but at the level of the achievements Fast And Furious was a saga that struck me a lot. and I think I can do better than that with the next steps.

The themes behind this film have always been at the center of human, artistic and philosophical reflections. Redemption, repentance, violence and justice. What prompted you to tell it? Do you think these themes will accompany you throughout your film career?
The themes that are in my short film, are reflections that are very present in our society today at all levels of life, and society. this is already part of the obstacle that I encounter today I just stay focused on my goals, and I hope that it will not follow me all my life because it will be very unfortunate.