An interview with Richard Schertzer, director of “What makes a villain memorable”

An interview with Richard Schertzer, director of “What makes a villain memorable”

Richard Schertzer



I am a filmmaker who graduated from Manhattanville College in May 2019 and currently goes to Howard University for my MFA in film. I have been making movies since 2013. The first of which were just films of my pets which were short and choppy. I came to Manhattanville College in the fall of 2015 and joined their film club volunteering for sets and other activities. I made a number of short film at the college including “The Little Chapel, “Death Lay Here” and “Cobb the Cat”, the latter being a stop-motion animation. When I came to Howard University, I was on the set of “Icon Talks” with special guest Kenny Lattimore.

“It takes a village big or small to make a good film.”

What is for you the purpose of a video-essay for you? What do you think about learning by watching?


The purpose of the video essay for me was to exercise my creativity and ingenuity when making it. I wanted to give my narrative of what makes a villain memorable. Also I am a big believer of learning by watching. I think it is the best way to learn.


Are you planning on making a series of videos like this?


I wasn’t planning on making a series of these video essays, but I am open to the idea. I’ll have to see where the future takes me.



Where do you see these videos playing and what use would you make of them?


I see a video like this playing in some film schools or even in high schools for people who desire to learn about filmmaking or character archs and how to craft a perfect villain.



Did the process of writing and editing the essay work like a form of study?

In the process of writing and editing said essay, it felt like a sort of study, but it also felt like patterns that I had picked up while watching movies over the years.