28 Ago “I want to assassinate” by Masashi Hamauzu
It is very hard to be innovative these days. Many techniques at the disposal of everybody have been widely used in thousands of forms and the new, experimental techniques are often very expensive and out of hand for independent filmmakers. In this music video called “I want to assassinate” by Masashi Hamauzu, both director and writer, we see a lot of ideas at stake.
The film has been directed with a lot of creativity and many ideas: animation techniques, compositing, VFX and hypertrophic editing make the rhythm and pace of this clip very entertaining, original and funny to watch. It also looks like a high-end and high-budget film, being shot in a very good way.
The imagination of the protagonist of the film takes multiple forms, until it is able to transform the whole world around her into an explosion of colors and shapes that serve the amazing imagination of the director.