“Claire” by Andrea Silvestro

“Claire” by Andrea Silvestro

By making invisible things material and material things invisible, cinema can be an actor itself, showing us the most hidden reality: the altered perception of someone in pain or in a struggle to cope with a reality he can’t accept.

“Claire” by Andrea Silvestro portraits a young girl trying to let go of her attachment to her fiancé Matt, and it does it in a very effective way: it shows how somebody can be at the same time physically absent but closer than ever by intervening and influencing thoughts, feelings, opinions of another person.

In this very deep emotional subjection, that is typical of all the relationship where somebody poses himself as stronger or more assertive, it becomes very hard to let go, to be able to have again our own free will, our own capacity to decide by ourselves.

This short film makes you feel exactly this way, doing it with a cold cinematography, a slow-paced rhythm through the very beautiful face of the leading actress Francesca Ravera, that is really able to portray a complex psychological character. Directed with a great sensibility, this short film is really able to frame its point of view and to make other people emphatize with the psychological situation of its character.