Finally we can announce this month’s award winners! This edition has been the most successful up to now with hundreds of films from all around the world. It was very hard to decide among such excellent works what was the absolute best, but in the end we made our choice. Here is the list of the best above all the others:
BEST SHORT FILM Perfect Love by Darius Etemadieh
BEST FEATURE FILM The Radio by Akiyoshi Koba
BEST SHORT DOC Sound Bath by Agnieszka Kocinska
BEST FEATURE DOC Myanmarket by Eva Knopf
BEST ANIMATION FILM Soaring by Pier Paolo L Piccoli
BEST WEB SERIES Hustle by Antonio Jefferson
BEST MUSIC VIDEO Cello by Alberto Nacci
BEST SHORT SCREENPLAY German be cray-cray by Mark Allard-Will
BEST FEATURE SCREENPLAY In the Quiet of the evening by Ben Fiore and Raymond Izaac
BEST DIRECTOR Darius Etemadieh for Perfect Love
BEST SCREENWRITER Darius Etemadieh for Perfect Love
BEST EDITING The Last step of an acrobat by Cesare Bedogné
BEST CINEMATOGRAPHER The Last step of an acrobat by Cesare Bedogné
BEST ORIGINAL SCORE Irgendwer by Konstantine Kemnitz
BEST LEADING ACTOR Frank Genser for Perfect Love
BEST LEADING ACTRESS Audrey Hui for Wonderland
BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR Oscar Axelrod-Naumann for Perfect Love
BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS Joan Chen for Wonderland
BEST COSTUME DESIGNER Isabel Theissen for Perfect Love
Congratulations to all the winners! You can pick up the official laurel here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1xSIJ05Ii_eFDufLUzwuY42n_ZQVM1tfo
If you want a printable version of the diploma, pick it up here: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EKFSEc5E8Pb0YX0q2nuc1Xx9s6mkcCHf
To every other nominee, congratulations for your beautiful work. We hope we will see you again when you shoot another movie!
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