“Just Divorced, or how to rob the Maffia” by Benn Flore

“Just Divorced, or how to rob the Maffia” by Benn Flore

Among the many difficulties you can meet in the making of a short film, budget and funding is the most controversial. Even if you don’t have much money you can manage to make a good short, but sometimes you end up wasting the potential of a script that could have benefited of a larger budget.

In this case, a short named “Just Divorced, or how to rob the Maffia” by Benn Flore, it is almost impossibile to judge the technical part of the film. It is a very amateur work that was done with non professional cameras nor lighting.

But even if the looks are those of a low budget film, the screenplay and the work of adaptation that followed are pretty interesting, and it looks like there is some material for a future project based on these characters and story. The comedy-like plot and the work that has been done on the protagonists is funny and entertaining and the actors that have staged it made a believable performance.

In our opinion, this short can be a good blueprint for a future project on a TV-series or a comedy web-series that would need some funding and a proper production. With the help of a team of professionals it could be come an interesting product for the film market.